US Senator Joe Manchin has introduced the Building American Energy Security Act, a bill aimed at expediting the permitting process for energy projects. The legislation sets a two-year limit for environmental reviews of major federal energy projects and a one-year limit for smaller ones. Additionally, the bill prioritizes 25 high-level energy projects for approval and reduces court delays over energy projects. The new bill is seen as helpful to the energy transition and President Biden’s efforts to fight climate change through his Inflation Reduction Act.
Senator Joe Manchin represents a rare Democratic voice that supports the fossil fuel industry. However, he has shown support for clean energy and has criticized Biden’s IRA for offering $369 billion in clean energy and electric vehicle tax credits. The White House is backing Manchin’s bill, which complements Biden’s infrastructure law focused on clean technologies.
Senator Manchin has denied that the reform proposals provide handouts to the fossil fuel industry. He has argued that both renewable energy associations and the oil and gas industry lobby have been pushing for these reforms as they believe the changes could unlock the full benefits of the IRA and boost domestic energy production.
The Building American Energy Security Act aims to align the US’s energy permitting process with global standards, which typically complete permitting in three years or less. To become law, the legislation must gain the support of both parties as well as President Biden. The White House adviser, John Podesta, has said he is willing to pressure some fellow Democratic lawmakers to vote for the permit bill, despite objections previously raised by Senators Bernie Sanders and Jeff Merkeley.
Senator Manchin has been trying to gain bipartisan support for his permitting reform package to accelerate timelines for permitting energy and mineral infrastructure. The reforms aim to shorten the times for review under the National Environmental Policy Act. Both the oil and gas industry lobby and renewable energy associations support the reforms.
In reintroducing the Building American Energy Security Act, Manchin aims to streamline the federal permitting process for energy projects. The bill includes provisions of a previous amendment that came close to passing in the National Defense Authorization Act in December. The legislation will be reviewed by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
The Mountain Valley Pipeline runs through Senator Manchin’s home state of West Virginia. The permitting bill aims to green-light the pipeline, which is expected to begin operations in early 2023. Manchin criticized previous Republican efforts for not going far enough, so Republicans may be hesitant to support him.
In summary, Senator Joe Manchin’s Building American Energy Security Act seeks to streamline federal permitting processes to help advance critical energy infrastructure projects. The reforms will help align the US’s energy permitting process with global standards. To become law, the legislation must gain the support of both parties and President Biden. While Senator Manchin faces re-election next year, the reforms should benefit the energy transition and fight against climate change.