Johnny Depp made his first red carpet appearance since his highly publicised defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard last year at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday. Depp received a seven-minute standing ovation for his role in the French-language historical drama, Jeanne du Barry. The actor’s appearance at the festival has been surrounded by controversies, with critics questioning the decision to select the film in light of the allegations made against him by his ex-wife Amber Heard.
The festival director, Thierry Fremaux, defended the decision, stating that the festival prioritizes “freedom of thinking and freedom of speech and acting within a legal framework.” Depp sued Heard over an article she wrote in 2018, which his lawyers argued falsely accused him of domestic abuse. While he won damages in a US case, a UK judge previously rejected his defamation claim against a newspaper that called him a “wife beater.”
Despite the controversies surrounding Depp, he received a warm welcome at the Cannes Film Festival. French filmmaker and actress Maïwenn, who stars alongside Depp, faced criticism in the run-up to the festival after allegations surfaced that she grabbed the head of a journalist and spit on him. French feminists also distributed flyers outside the opening ceremony and some cinemas, calling the festival’s decision to open with Depp’s film “a devastating message.”
During a press conference at the festival, Depp was asked whether he still feels boycotted by Hollywood. The actor responded that he does not think about Hollywood and does not feel a need for it. Depp also objected to being labelled as making a “comeback” in the film, as he never left.
Jeanne du Barry, the film in which Depp stars, received mixed reviews, with many critics describing it as “bland” despite its sumptuous costumes. The film was released in French cinemas simultaneously with its Cannes premiere. Outside cinemas, French feminists distributed flyers that recounted the allegations against Depp and called for the film industry to challenge patriarchal power dynamics.
In his opening remarks, Michael Douglas, the recipient of the festival’s honorary Palme d’Or award, thanked the festival and French culture, but there were no overt political statements made. Despite the controversies surrounding Depp, the actor’s performance in the film was praised, as evidenced by the seven-minute standing ovation he received at the festival.
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