Ella Reed sat in the waist-deep water with her friend when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach. She quickly realized it was a shark attack. According to Reed and her mother, the shark bit her in the stomach and quickly started attacking her multiple times before Reed could protect herself with her arm and hand. In the end, she received 19 stitches and was bitten on the stomach, arm, knee, and finger. Ella believes it was a bull shark that attacked her in the ocean by North Hutchinson Island.
Florida has become the most frequent site of unprovoked shark bites in the world, with 16 of the year’s 57 recorded bites occurring in Florida. While Florida had no shark bite fatalities last year, the animals did result in two limb amputations. Nevertheless, while the data shows a decrease of fatalities from nine in 2021 to five in 2022 thus far, a decline in the world shark population may also be a factor.
Reed remained composed during the attack and shouted for her brother and mother, who came to her aid. Despite the traumatic experience, Ella plans to return to swimming in the ocean once her stitches are removed.
The incidents which occur with the increase of shark attacks in Florida is a concern. According to experts, the fatality rates for shark attacks are very low, with only five worldwide fatalities having occurred in 2022 to date. It’s also necessary to remember that the shark’s existence cannot be overlooked either. It is essential explicitly for us to take the necessary precautions in areas where sharks are likely to happen.
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